The Pentagon Supplied Soldiers with Defective Gun Parts That Sometimes ExplodE
For these pieces, I used court document diagrams of the guns in question as source material for me to re-create hastily– painted in the same manner that the government contractors assembled the guns in question. In stark contrast to the sterile exploded gun diagrams which detailed the weapon's malfunction, my paintings are shoddy, misguided, and covered in finger prints.

Tomorrow's Terrorist
What new technologies could be used by terrorists in the coming years? A speculative look at the nefarious side of technology– including drones, 3D printers, and anti-surveillance equipment.
Listed in sections, I decided to give each technology a treatment that both explained their functionality and felt appropriately sinister. I'm particularly happy about the plastic feel of the 3D printed guns illustration.

Ridden By Uber
A short story about the (dystopic?) future of ridesharing and sex worker autonomization. NSFW.
This was a fun one. Instead of my original idea of anthropomorphizing the cars and depicting them in crude sexual acts, I tried to imagine how someone might fetishize vehicles in the way the characters do in the story.