Daedalus Publishing logo. This was a part of a full scale branding project I created for a fictional company called Daedalus Publishing, a printer and publisher of children's books, and works of non-fiction.  Using the metaphor from Greek mythology, Daedalus represents the great minds that house ideas inside of a printed page, a labyrinth of communication and entertainment. 
Deadalus Publishing corporate correspondence.
Daedalus Publishing business card. The colored square signifies which department this employee is working. Printed on transparent frosted paper.
First page from "And So the Minotaur", opposite the illustration below.
The kids at Metcalf Elementary helped me out by being a test market.  As you can see, these first graders were either entranced by the story or thinking about tractors, as is often the case in Normal, Illinois.
Mrs. B, the librarian at Metcalf, had such an awesome voice for reading stories. Got some great feedback from the kids and teachers!
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